The outset of the Greek New Wave music is pin-pointed in 1978, when Parthenogenesis were formed by Albertos Laivys (drums), George Makridis (bass & vocals), Kostas Pothoulakis (guitar & vocals) and Takis Polychronopoulos (vocals). It was the first time that a Greek band was introducing this new wave sound to the audience.
Parthenogenesis’ most of their songs were born out of experimentation during their practice sessions. The band was playing exclusively its own material, and the only exceptions were “The House of the Rising Sun” and the “Wild Thing” that were arranged in order to keep the audience’s interest throughout the show.
During Easter of 1979, Parthenogenesis wrote a manifesto at the “Katara” studio at Ilioupoli, Athens, which was resulted from an intrinsic pursuit of counteraction regarding their view on things and ideas. In the summer of 1979, the band started to change and a new musical proportion was gained, after the entrance of Bill Lodd Palaiokostas (ex Trash) in the group.
A decisive, however, point for them was the Albertos’ Laivys withdrawal from the band that led to an on-going quest for a new drummer. After a period of continuous rehearsals, Stelios “Manson” (drums) was firstly chosen, but in the end Chris Stoligas fulfilled this position. During the winter of 1980, Kostas Pothoulakis left the group and Tommy Bouzianis replaced him on guitar.
Parthenogenesis were usually lively performing. They were also gained distinctions in several contests like these of Kyttaro (June 1980) and the magazine Pop & Rock (1980). Despite that, in early 1981, they were split-up, without having released any record. Their musical impact, however, was carried to and influenced other important bands of the Greek new wave music scene of the 80s, like F.M.Q (Forward Music Quintet), The Reporters, Villa 21, Homicide, Statues In Motion, Ex Mandarina Duck, Scoria.
This recording-document was recorded on tape during the summer of 1980 at the “Katara” studio.